

WHY We're The Best Choice for INVISALIGN

If you want to enhance your smile and straighten your teeth but do not like the way braces look, you still have options. One of those options is Invisalign. Invisalign uses clear aligners to gently but quickly move teeth into place according to Dr. Walker’s expertise.

These aligners are made just for you based on digital scans of your mouth, allowing them to perfectly fit against your teeth, rendering them invisible to those around you. The custom fit makes them much more comfortable than traditional braces too! Since you can remove them for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing, they are also incredibly convenient.

invisalign specialists

Invisalign Teen

Just like Invisalign for adults, Invisalign Teen involves a series of clear, BPA-free plastic, removable aligners. Invisalign Teen is a great option to provide outstanding results all while enabling young adults to maintain their self-confidence with the most esthetic treatment option.

invisalign specialists

Invisalign First

As a child grows, their smile grows with them. And even with baby teeth, it may be the perfect time for children ages 6 to 10 to start orthodontic treatment. This is known as Phase I treatment.

At this stage, orthodontists can see issues that may need early treatment to address a developing problem.

Invisalign First clear aligner treatment is designed for predictable results and a positive experience while addressing the unique needs of growing children.

invisalign specialists

No Impressions /3D Printing

Using the latest in scanning technology, gone are the days of uncomfortable, goopy impression trays. At Walker Orthodontics, we use an itero scanner to scan your teeth that is not only more comfortable for our patients, but gives us an accurate digital scan to use for our aligners and 3D printing.

When combined with an on premises 3D printer, these scans can help eliminate wait time for new aligners and bracket systems. Additionally, it allows completely custom appliances made exactly for our patients!

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